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Utilaje de roluit profile PVC si Aluminiu

Doua principii:

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Punct de lucru in Medgidia, str Nicolae Balcescu nr 14

Tel/Fax: 0241-822282

Tel: 0740.901.344

Manager: naim ersin

email: ersin_erso(at)
@=(at), pentru a evita spamul

marți, 11 noiembrie 2008

Utilaje de roluit profile PVC (arcade)

Utilaje de roluit profile PVC (arcade)


Utilaj pe baza de glicerina(manual)

Akd 3000

Machine type Akd 3000

Voltage 3×380 Volts

Frequency 50 Hz

Heating capacity 10 kw

Fuse 20 A

Heating tank volume 150 liters

Length 5000 mm

Width 3000 mm

Heigth 900 mm

Weigth 900 kg

Akd 5500


Utilaj pe baza de glicerina(automat)

Machine type Akd5500

Voltage 3×380 Volts

Frequency 50 Hz

Heating capacity 2×10 kw

Motor power 1.3-1.8 kw

Total power 21.8 kw


For motor 2.5-4Amper

For heating elements 3×20 Amper

Heating tank capacity 250 liters

Length 10650 mm

Width 3000 mm

Heigth 900 mm

Weigth 2000 kg


Utilaj pe baza de aer cald(manual sau automat)



Machine type Akd60000

Machine Dimensions

Heating Tank 3200 x 2000 x 800 mm

Working Table 3000 x 2000 x 850 mm

Heating Capacity 15 kw

Voltage 380 Volt


HEATING TANK (Tunul de incalzire)

It is made of stainless steel in 2 mm thickness and its capacity is 220 liters. For energy saving it is isolated by glass wool. It has a mechanism that ensures dipping and lifting of the profiles. Maximum profile length that can be dipped into the tank is 5500 mm. Heating power is 20kw and it is controlled by digital thermostat. Moreover it is equipped with 24 hours time relay.


MOLD SYSTEMS (sarpele)

It is made of a special plastic developed for bending PVC profiles by heating. This plastic has a low friction coefficient that has high pulling resistance and it has a structure that shall not deform in the temperature under which PVC profile softens. Mold system composes of three groups; external mold, internal mod and internal fills. External and internal molds are manufactured in two sizes as 3000 and 2500 mm (when added totally 5500 mm) and internal fills are manufactured in two sizes as 3000 and 4000 mm.


There are 82 units of fast fastening elements in total; 15 couples for working desk and 26 couples for extensions. These elements are used for fastening the molds fast onto working desk and extensions.


There are two radius adjustment compasses; one 1100 mm and the other 3100 mm. With the help of these compasses mold holder fastening elements are fixed on their places on the table. It allows moving the circle center out of the table for the mold adjustment of arch parts whose compass leg has large radius ( R>1000mm ).


Filtering boilers are used for taking back the special heating liquid remaining on the profile that is bent after the bending process. After it is waited within these boilers for a time on the bent profile legs, it is washed within the water filled boiler and cleared of the special heating liquid.


The machines include a full set of bending molds. We need the profile samples to produce the right molds. We prepare molds before the shipment of the machine. We produce molds for all kinds of PVC profiles.

Bending molds for the motorized Akd 5500

* 3000 + 3000 mm. total 6000 mm. Inner Fillings 3000 + 4000 mm.
* Frame profile bending mold
* Sash profile bending mold
* T-mullion profile bending mold
* Glass bead - Single bending mold
* Glass bead - Double bending mold

Bending molds for the manuel Akd 3000
* 3000 mm. Inner Fillings 3000 mm
* Frame profile bending mold
* Sash profile bending mold
* T-mullion profile bending mold
* Glass bead - Single bending mold
* Glass bead - Double bending mold

Cuvinte cheie: "accesorii pvc", "accesorii", "pvc", "accesorii sita", "accesorii pvc feronerie", "feronerie", "tamplarie","pvc", "tamplarie pvc", "termopan", "tamparie termopan", "utialje", "pvc", "utilaje pvc", "geam", "utilaje geam", "utilaje sticla", "utilaje arcade", "arcade", "roluit", "roluit profile", "aluminiu", "holsurub", "autoforante", "autofiletante", "maner", constanta, bucuresti,"panel", "sandewich", "weiss", "artkraft", "kraft"

vineri, 7 noiembrie 2008

Utilaje pvc (masini pvc)-varianta de utilare

Varianta de utilare pentru ateliere tamplarie PVC
Varianta de utilare pentru ateliere de productie medie-marca Onat
Atelier de tamplarie PVC cu capacitate de productie de 20-25 rame / 8 ore, cu 4-5 muncitori. Toate operatiunile sunt efectuate de utilaje automate. Varianta de utilare completa.

1. Masina de debitat cu prindere mecanica –marca Onat
pret: 1880 €
- taiere automata de jos in sus
- viteza de avans a cutitului reglabila
- disc de taiere de 420 mm
- unghi reglabil 15, 22.3, 30, 45, 90 grade
- carcasa de protectie si dubla comanda manuala

2. Masina de frezat montanti (chertat Teu) automata cu unghi reglabil
pret: 1350 €
- prindere pneumatica
- viteza de avans reglabila
- unghi de prindere a profilului reglabil

3. Masina de sudat PVC
pret: 2500 €
- sudare la un capat in unghiuri cuprinse intre 30 si 180 grade
- posibilitate de reglare a fortei de presare si a fortei de strangere a profilului in menghina
- limitarea cordonului de sudura

4. Masina de debavurat automata cu 4 freze
pret: 2700 €
- asigura debavurarea automata a cordonului de sudura si a colturilor de 90 de grade
- operare complet automata
- patru freze interschimbabile

5. Freza cu pantograf- nu mai aveti nevoie de 3 utilaje
(3 operatii: freza cu pantograph, gaurit tripla,freza orificii de scurgere)
pret: 2.700 €
- prindere pneumatica
- placa de copiere universala
- masina de gaurit orizontala cu 3 burghie in trepte
- masina automata de frezare pe trei axe
- avansul frezelor si cusa reglabile

6. Masina de debitat baghete automata
pret: 1800 €
- prindere pneumatica
- taiere automata cu viteza reglabila

TOTAL: 12.930 € TVA inclus

Aveti in vedere si achizitionarea unei masini de debitat armatura, la oricare din variantele alese:
pret: 900 €
- disc de taiere de 500 mm
Nota: Aceste preturi sunt informative si depind de gradul de complexitate al fiecarei comenzi ,el va fi negociat cu fiecare client in parte.
* Pentru utilaje la 2 sau 4 capete precum si utilaje CNC va rugam sa ne contactati
** Pretul este valabil pentru cumpararea setului, si plata op
*** Noi investim in calitate nu in publicitate!
Tel,Fax: 0241.822.282
email: office(at)
email manager: ersin_erso(at)

Cuvinte cheie: "accesorii pvc", "accesorii", "pvc", "accesorii sita", "accesorii pvc feronerie", "feronerie", "tamplarie","pvc", "tamplarie pvc", "termopan", "tamparie termopan", "utialje", "pvc", "utilaje pvc", "geam", "utilaje geam", "utilaje sticla", "utilaje arcade", "arcade", "roluit", "roluit profile", "aluminiu", "holsurub", "autoforante", "autofiletante", "maner", constanta, bucuresti,"panel", "sandewich", "weiss", "artkraft", "kraft"


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